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  • Avoid the use of Aspirin, NSAIDS, Ginko Biloba, Garlic Supplements, Green Tea, Flax Oil, Cod Liver Oil, Vitamins A and E, and essential fatty acids for up to 1-week pre and post-injection as they will increase your risk of bruising.

  • Do not drink alcoholic beverages 24 hours before (or after) your treatment to avoid extra bruising.

  • You MAYtake Arnica tablets 2-3 days prior to your injection to reduce the risk of bruising.

  • Do not apply products that are potentially irritating for 2 -3 days before and after treatment (examples- tretinoin/retin-a, glycolic acid, benzoyl peroxide, hydroquinone

  •  Please do not pursue this treatment if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.


  • No Retin-A products or applications 24 hours prior to your appointment

  • No auto-immune therapies or products 24 hours prior to your treatment.

  • No prolonged sun exposure to the face 24 hours prior to your treatment. A Microneedling treatment will not be administered on sunburned skin.

  • On the day of the treatment, please keep your face clean and do not apply makeup.

  • If you are taking a blood thinner, aspirin or any other medication that you have the propensity to bleed easily while on, please tell your technician. If you are under a physician’s care and need to discontinue your medication for a few days, always ask your physician prior to each Skin Pen Microneedling appointment.

  • If you are planning to receive Botox, make sure that you give yourself at least 2 weeks post-Botox injections before receiving your Microneedling procedure.

  • If an active or extreme breakout occurs before treatment, please consult your practitioner.

  • Wait 6 months following oral isotretinoin use.


  • Immediately after your treatment, you will look as though you have a moderate to severe sunburn and your skin may feel warm and tighter than usual. You may also notice some slight swelling, both are normal and should subside after 1 to 2 hours and will normally diminish within the same day or 24 hours. You may see slight redness after 24 hours but only in minimal areas or spots.
    If you are concerned about any reaction, please call our office and contact your healthcare provider immediately.


  • Use tepid water for the initial 24 hours to rinse the treated area. After 24 hours, use a gentle cleanser to cleanse the face for the following 72 hours and gently dry the treated skin. Always make sure that your hands are clean when touching the treated area.

  • Apply the SkinPenⓇ lubricant provided for moisture over the next 24 hours.

  • Do not take any inflammatory medicines for at least 2 weeks post treatment.

  • It is recommended that makeup or sunscreen should not be applied for 24 hours after the procedure. Do not apply any makeup with a makeup brush, especially if it is not clean.

  • After the initial 24 hours, apply a broad spectrum UVA/UVB sunscreen with a minimum SPF 30 for two weeks. A chemical-free sunscreen is highly recommended.



  • For at least 3 days post-treatment, do NOT use any Alpha Hydroxy Acids, Beta Hydroxy Acid, or Retinol (Vitamin A). Vitamin C (in a low pll formula) or anything perceived as active skincare.

  • Avoid intentional and direct sunlight for 48 hours. No tanning beds.

  • Do not go swimming for at least 24 hours post-treatment.

  • No exercising or strenuous activity for the first 24 hours post-treatment. Sweating and gym environments must be avoided during the first 72 hours post-treatment.


Pre-Injection Instructions:

  • Avoid blood thinners and anti-platelet medications for 1 week including aspirin, fish oil, vitamin E, alcohol, wine, and ibuprofen.

  • Plan downtime for bruising and swelling that can take a full 2 weeks to subside. 

Post-Care Instructions:

  • No ice over the area where PRP was injected.

  • If combined with microneedling, microinfusion, or RF microneedling, follow proper post-care for the procedure.

  • If PRP is applied topically, please wait 8 hours to wash off.

  • Continue to avoid blood thinners for 5 days, with the approval of your medical doctor

  • Avoid touching or rubbing the area

  • Make sure to plan your next treatment within the suggested window as suggested by your provider

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